@database "SwazBlanker/Dimmer.guide" @master "Dimmer.guide" @author David Swasbrook @(c) Copyright (C)1994 David Swasbrook. All Rights Reserved. @$VER: Dimmer.guide 1.0 (1.1.95) @INDEX Index @NODE MAIN "Dimmer (1.1.95)" SWAZBLANKER : Dimmer ==================== (C) 1992,93,94 David Swasbrook, All Rights Reserved. @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction } What it actually does @{" Interface " LINK Interface } Configuration preferences @{" History " LINK History } Bug fixes and updates @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction "What it actually does..." Dimmer/Introduction =================== This blanker blanks the screen. @ENDNODE @NODE Interface "Configuration preferences..." Dimmer/Interface ================ @{b} Save @{ub}- save and use the current settings. @{b} Use @{ub}- use the current settings. @{b} Test @{ub}- test the blanker under the current settings @{b} Cancel @{ub}- cancel all changes. @{b} Speed @{ub}- how fast the screen should fade out. @{i}Default: Fast.@{ui} @{b} Intensity @{ub}- percentage of the original screen intensity that should remain visible. @{i}Default: 33%.@{ui} @ENDNODE @NODE History "Bug fixes and updates..." Dimmer/History ============== `1.0' o Localized @ENDNODE @NODE Index Dimmer/Index ============ @{" History " LINK History } Bug fixes and updates @{" Interface " LINK Interface } Configuration preferences @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction } What it actually does @ENDNODE